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NinjaFit classes are the best addition to ANY child's schedule!

About NinjaFit

NinjaFit classes are for EVERYONE!

           NinjaFit classes use gymnastics, parkour, tricking, and trampoline concepts to encourage creative movement. CATS coaches will help your child develop    strength, coordination, and air awareness  through fun ninja challenges and games! CATS NinjaFit program is perfect for kids looking to have fun, explore their movement, and develop gym skills safely!




NinjaFit classes are offered to kids age 3-13!

Classes are offered by age:

- Mini Ninjas: 3-4 yrs

- KinderNinja: 5-6 yrs

- NinjaKids: 7-9 yrs

- NinjaPlus: 9+ yrs


Mini Ninja:
Ages 3-4 years

45 minute class


This class continues to foster fundamental social and classroom skills such as taking turns, sharing and following directions. Your child will engage in fun, safe and challenging activities designed to develop strength, coordination, and confidence using NINJA obstacles, strength challenges, and PLENTY of Games! 

This class offers rolling enrollment.

*Monthly tuition rate allows for families to drop at the end of any month. 

Ages 5-6 years

1 hr class









*Monthly tuition rate allows for families to drop at the end of any month.

This Kinder-Aged class introduces gymnastics and parkour fundamentals such as safety rolls, handstands, bar swings, and trampoline basics. Coaches use Ninja Obstacles and gym equipment to keep your child moving and to build basic strength, mobility, and air awareness. 

This class offers rolling enrollment.

Ages 7-9 years

1 hr class


In NinjaKids, athletes will explore more advanced movements that enhance coordination and strength. You child will explore handsprings, precision obstacles, and flips on trampoline, on top of trying ninja challenges, playing games, and having fun!

This class offers rolling enrollment.

*Monthly tuition rate allows for families to drop at the end of any month. 

Ages 9+ years

1 hr class









*Monthly tuition rate allows for families to drop at the end of any month. 

NinjaPlus is an advanced class designed for older athletes, and those looking for more challenge. NinjaPlus will explore flips, tricks, and parkour elements to build your child's ninja skill base. This class stresses more technique, and enforces proper safety in advanced movements.

This class offers rolling enrollment.

*All private lessons are required to register through CATs both for safety 
waivers and the monthly gym fee*
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